Minority, Women and Small Business Enterprise Program
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education is committed to promoting full and open access to business opportunities with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools by seeking suppliers and building relationships through a competitive process. Therefore, minority-owned, women-owned, and small business enterprises (MWSBE) and other responsible vendors shall have a fair and reasonable opportunity to participate in the CMS procurement process.
The goal of this site is to serve as a source of information for all vendors and prospective bidders who want to do business with CMS. In addition, interested vendors will better understand how to do business with the school system, available small business assistance, certification requirements, and upcoming bid opportunities.
If you would like to be included in the vendor database, please use the Vendor Profile button below. Please note, the vendor database is an information repository for schools and departments to search for companies that provide a good or service. This does not guarantee you will be awarded a contract or purchase order. Opportunities will be shared with you via email or phone call. If you have any questions, please contact the Supplier Diversity team at supplierdiversity@cms.k12.nc.us.
Learn more about Supplier Diversity! YouTube Video
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I do business with CMS?
- If you are interested in working directly with schools & departments, please review the "Doing Business with CMS – A Guide to Vendors" via Procurement Services.
- Please register and request notifications from the NC Interactive Purchasing System (NCIPS). You will receive notifications and information about upcoming opportunities for providing goods and services. Registration can be completed via NCIPS Registration.
- If you are interested in working with Capital Programs on construction projects, please click the following link: How to do Business with CMS (Link to PDF)
- Additional information can also be found on the CMS Construction website: CMS Construction
How can I find out about upcoming formal bid opportunities?
Upcoming formal bid opportunities for construction-related projects are available on the CMS Construction website or advertised under the local newspaper's legal section. All other formal bid opportunities are available on the North Carolina Interactive Purchasing System.How can I find out about upcoming informal bid opportunities?
Contact the MWSBE office at 980-343-6856.How can I get a list of commodities that are purchased?
Procurement Services provides a list of commodities and buyers via Procurement Services. See Who Buys What?Do MWSBE firms have to be certified?
Certification is not a requirement for vendors seeking to do business with the school system; however, only certified MWSBE firms will be credited toward the aspirational goals established by the school system. Firms may be certified by any governmental, private or public certifying agency. If your company is interested in becoming certified, please contact either of the following agencies:
North Carolina Office of Historically Underutilized Businesses
Minority or Woman-Owned certificationCharlotte Business Inclusion
Small Business certificationDoes Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools use state term contracts?
School systems are no longer required to purchase from state term contracts; however, it is the preferred method of procuring large or large quantities of items that have already been bid competitively.Does Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools outsource custodial services?
Currently, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools does not outsource services; however, the Custodial Services Department maintains a list of emergency response vendors. For more information, contact the Custodial Services Department at 980-343-6851.What is your payment policy?
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools' payment policy is net thirty after receiving an approved invoice. - If you are interested in working directly with schools & departments, please review the "Doing Business with CMS – A Guide to Vendors" via Procurement Services.