• Cosmetology

  • The Cosmetology Apprentice Program provides students a balance of classroom study and application experience to prepare for employment or entrepreneurial opportunities in the field of Cosmetology. The program consists of two courses, Cosmetology I and Cosmetology II. In Cosmetology I, students are introduced to employment and career opportunities and begin learning developmental skills such as manicure and pedicure techniques, basic hair styling, and an introduction to chemical restructuring and hair color. Cosmetology II students learn and practice advanced techniques on live models, ​such as facials and advanced hair styling. The apprentice program provides students the opportunity to earn up to 1200 hours of instruction (of the 1500 hours required for State Board licensure) in theory and practical application. The Cosmetology Program is licensed by and follows the regulations of the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Arts Examiners. See more about the Cosmetology Program at https://discovercte.com/pathways/cosmetology/.