Commitment and Diversity
Commitment and Diversity
Diversity is the differences that define each of us individually and collectively. These differences include race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, socioeconomic status, religion, disability, or skill level. By recognizing, respecting, and valuing these differences, CMS can capitalize on diversity's benefits to its environment.
Organizational Commitment
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education is committed to a world-class school system that supports educational excellence regardless of race, gender, national origin, different abilities, or religion. Equitable academic programs and services which respond to the needs of a diverse student population and which prepare all students for a changing workplace and pluralistic society are essential. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is committed to recognizing, respecting, and valuing diversity throughout the organization.
"Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools will acknowledge and appreciate the value of diversity throughout the curriculum, instruction, and staff development." (Multicultural Education Policy IFC, Adopted by the BOE January 12, 1993)
Top 10 Languages Spoken by ESL Students (other than English)
- Spanish - 35,960
- Vietnamese - 992
- French - 851
- Arabic/Egyptian/Lebanese/Syrian - 742
- Russian - 740
- Telugu - 712
- Portugese - 664
- Hindi/Indian/Urdu - 564
- Chinese - 465
- Tamil - 435