• The North Carolina Governor's School is a multi-week summer residential program for gifted and talented high school students, integrating academic disciplines, the arts, and unique courses on each of two campuses. The curriculum focuses on the exploration of the most recent ideas and concepts in each discipline, and does not involve credit, tests, or grades.


    The North Carolina Governor's School is the nation’s oldest statewide summer residential program for gifted high school students. The program, which is open to rising seniors only, with exceptions made for rising juniors in selected performing/visual arts areas, is located on two campuses of up to 335 students each. The program is administered by the Public Schools of North Carolina, the State Board of Education, and the Department of Public Instruction through the Division of Advanced Learning and Gifted Education. A Board of Governors, appointed by the State Board of Education, acts as an advisory body.


    Are you interested in learning more about this unique opportunity for high school students?


    Check out the following resources:


    Family Overview Flyer-English 

    Family Overview Flyer-Spanish 

    Information and Snapshot of 2024 Session 

    Governor’s School Application Process


    The CMS contact for Governor's School is: Mikki Ayers (heatherm.ayers@cms.k12.nc.us) Advanced Studies Curriculum Specialist.