• Middle College High Schools

  • In partnership with Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC), CMS offers accelerated learning opportunities that allow students the opportunity to take college courses while completing their high school graduation requirements. Students can complete an associate degree or earn up to two years of transferable college credit, tuition free. Given the rigor of completing both the high school diploma and the associate degree or two years of college credit, students have an additional year (i.e., grade 13) to graduate.

    Middle College High Schools (MCHS) are located on the Cato, Levine, Merancas, and Harper campuses of CPCC. The program serves high school students in grades 11-13 and is limited to 100 students per grade level per campus each year. Students registered in a MCHS will take courses required for high school graduation while also taking college courses towards a post-secondary certificate, college transfer, associate degree, and/or industry certification.

    Please note that due to space limitations, the sibling guarantee does not apply to Middle College admission through the magnet lottery.

  • Middle College High School flyer

  • Did you know that becoming a middle college student provides access to courses on any CPCC campus?


  • Entry Requirements

    • Students must apply through the School Choice Lottery.
    • Students interested in applying for the Middle College High School program should complete the additional application packet located on the CPCC website and submit all required documents prior to the conclusion of the lottery.
    • Students whose grade point average (GPA) drops below the GPA requirement after the School Choice lottery will be subject to the district’s revocation process, and it is possible that the student will be reassigned to the student’s neighborhood home school.

  • Magnet Expectations Agreement

    Middle College High Schools Expectations Agreement (revised 7/31/2023): English version

  • Learners Who Thrive in Middle Colleges…

    • Are college-bound
    • Can handle Honors, Advanced Placement and/or college-level courses
    • Are independent thinkers
    • Care about their personal and educational success