• Visual and Performing Arts

  • The focus of the Visual and Performing Arts program is to develop a student’s talents and passion for the arts. Students receive specialized studies in dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts. As an integral part of a strong academic program, the Arts are approached through Arts education, integration and exposure.

    At the elementary level, the Arts are used as a catalyst for building a collaborative, creative, Arts-infused culture and community. Students receive weekly classes in each of the four arts disciplines, as well as Arts integrated instruction in their grade-based classroom.

    Students continuing to the middle and high school program will receive seven consecutive years of rigorous, intensive instruction in the visual and performing arts at a pre-professional level. The program provides flexible, skill-based groupings in the visual and performing arts to address the needs of individual students.

    *Athletic programs and marching band are not offered on Visual & Performing Arts school sites. Students may participate in these activities at their home school (transportation is not provided).


  • Entry Requirements

    • Students in kindergarten through 5th can apply through the School Choice Lottery. There are no entry requirements.
    • There are currently no entry requirements for 6th-8th grade students entering Crestdale Middle School. Students can apply through the School Choice Lottery.
    • A School Choice Lottery application and a successful audition are required for entry to Northwest School of the Arts. Schedule an audition.

  • Our Elementary Magnets are A+ Schools

    A+ Schools of North Carolina is the largest, longest running, most successful arts-based whole-school reform effort in the nation. Since 1995, A+ Schools has been using the arts as a catalyst for creating connections and making school engaging, meaningful and enjoyable places to teach and learn. In this video, learn more about A+ and how it transforms teaching and learning.


  • Magnet Expectations Agreements

    Elementary Schools – Visual and Performing Arts Expectations Agreement (revised 8/8/2023): English version

    Crestdale Middle School – Visual and Performing Arts Expectations Agreement (revised 6/22/2023): English version

    Northwest School of the Arts – Visual and Performing Arts Expectations Agreement (revised 7/11/2023): English version

  • Students Who Thrive in Visual and Performing Arts…

    • Are creative thinkers
    • Enjoy instruction in dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts
    • Welcome opportunities to participate in performances
    • Learn from visiting artists and guest speakers
    • Are visual and hands-on learners
    • Thrive in special instructional opportunities, like photography, band, orchestra, and piano

Video Highlights from Our Visual & Performing Arts Schools

  • Long Creek Elementary School 2021 Open House Video

  • Crestdale Middle School

  • Northwest School of the Arts

  • Northwest School of the Arts Virtual Tour

  • Promotional Video