• Community House Middle School Cell Phone and Electronic Devices

    Guidelines and Consequences

    Cell phones and electronic devices can pose a disruption to the educational environment and should be turned off and kept in the book bag during the school day unless under the academic direction of the teacher. 



    • If a cell phone is IN USE or on a student’s body (in their pocket) during the school day, it will be confiscated and returned to a parent/guardian at the end of the day in the main office.

    • If a cell phone is IN USE or on a student’s body a second time during the school day, it will be confiscated for 5 consecutive days

    • A parent or guardian must retrieve the cell phone from the school front office after the 5 days have lapsed. 

    • All other electronic devices not being used under the academic direction of a staff member (video games, Ipods, tablets, etc.) will be confiscated and can be retrieved by a parent in the same manner. 



    • Since this is a school guideline, students may be subject to consequences under the Insubordination Rule in the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for repeated incidents of failure to follow this guideline.




    ** Cell phones must not be used or seen until AFTER you have been dismissed from and exited the school building each afternoon.