Leadership and Support Team
CONTACT INFORMATION: We pledge to provide you with prompt customer service throughout the school year. We have a team of people who are in place to meet the needs of your child and your family throughout the year. Please note the following information:
Lead Principal
Ms. Ward will focus on campus-wide instruction, discipline, culture, routines, and systems.
Contact Information
6th Grade Level
Demetrus McDaniel
Ms. McDaniel is your contact for questions about 6th-grade student discipline questions, staff concerns, general questions, and grade-level events. 7th Grade Level
Christopher Eaton Mr. Eaton is your contact for questions about 7th-grade student discipline questions, staff concerns, general questions, and grade-level events. 8th Grade Level
Kenyatta Davenport Ms. Davenport is your contact for questions about 8th-grade student discipline questions, staff concerns, general questions, and grade-level events. 6th Grade Student Support
Shanelle Tatum
Ms. Tatum is your contact for questions about your 6th-grade child’s schedule, social/emotional support, bullying concerns, parent conferences, and 504 plans. 7th Grade Student Support
Stacy Liles (A-L)
Shanelle Tatum (M-Z)
Ms. Liles and Ms. Tatum are sharing this role this year and will be your contact for questions about your 7th-grade child’s schedule, social/emotional support, bullying concerns, parent conferences, and 504 plans. 8th Grade Student Support
Stacy Liles This is your contact for questions about your 8th-grade child’s schedule, social/emotional support, bullying concerns, parent conferences, and 504 plans. Social Worker Sarah Caldwell sarahh.caldwell@cms.k12.nc.us Ms. Caldwell is the contact for assistance with family and/or student concerns that might require support even beyond the school community. EC Compliance Facilitator Amaru Moses Mr. Moses is the contact for any concerns or questions you might have regarding EC services for your child. MTSS/ Testing Coordinator Demetrus McDaniel Ms. McDaniel is the contact for any questions you have about your child’s need for assistance with the Intervention Team or questions regarding testing. Registration Otisquest Posey Mr. Posey is the contact for registering, withdrawing, or accessing records for your child. Attendance Otisquest Posey Mr. Posey is the contact for reporting absences or submitting absence notes for your child. Athletics Derwin Calhoun derwinl.calhoun@cms.k12.nc.us Coach Calhoun is the contact for any questions involving WMS athletics. English Language Learners Angelica Rodriguez Free and Reduced Lunch Richard Schine richardb.schine@cms.k12.nc.us Academic Facilitator (ELA) Noreen Wilson Medication Tracey McMinn tracy1.mcminn@cms.k12.nc.us Spanish Speaking Secretary Andrea Ortega Technology Support Bryanna Bailey bryannab.bailey@cms.k12.nc.us Transportation Christopher Eaton