Student Dress Code
Any students found in violation of any of these rules will be asked to call a parent and sent to ISS until proper clothing is brought to them. In some cases, students may also receive some form of consequence for their attire.
Students cannot wear sexually explicit items and items that promote drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, obscene messages and inappropriate gestures.
No Pajamas or bedroom attire of any sort: tops, bottoms, shoes, etc.
Head Gear
No sunglasses, hats, bonnets, or toboggans worn inside the building.
No ski masks, no bandanas, no costumes or masks are allowed inside/outside of the school building.
Tops must cover chest, stomach, and 3” of shoulders.
Shirts must be worn under jackets
Skirts, dresses, shorts (running and athletic) must hang past fingertip length (stand relaxed with hands by side).
Must wear leggings under jeans with holes above fingertip length and larger than 5 inches.
Pants and shorts must cover the rear.