B3 Sensory Room
Brain Body Behavior, known as B3, was launched at Providence Spring Elementary during the 2022-2023 school year. It combines physical activity with sensory skills and core subjects.
Principal Armbruster was inspired to implement the program after the impact of Covid for students and staff. Staff engaged in interactive activities and professional learning to understand how exercise and movement impact learning. Teachers encourage brain breaks with their lesson every day. With the B3 training, teachers gained access to B3 task cards and a B3 sensory lab.
Over the summer, we placed hallway decals on the downstairs hallway. The decals provided an opportunity for structured movement while students transitioned in the hallways. We created a B3 sensory lab with equipment and activities to activate sensory skills and core subjects.
B3 is about teaching and learning about the whole child. Targeted activities help to teach students about self-regulation, self-management, and self-control. When students can manage their emotions, they are more likely to gain confidence and critical thinking skills.