About Our School
The brand new Pineville Elementary opened its doors to students in August 2013. The school was built on property that is adjacent to the site of the old school. A new baseball park now occupies the old lot. Pineville is a neighborhood school located near the intersection of Pineville-Matthews Road and Polk Street.
Pineville Elementary School will meet the personalized needs of all students by providing rigorous instruction, supporting the whole child, and collaborating as a staff and community to support each other, effectively plan and continue to foster innovation.
We believe that every child deserves an opportunity to be happy and successful.
We believe in supporting the social emotional needs of students and staff
We believe all students can learn and will ensure their academic success
We believe in collaboration and will work as a professional learning community
We believe and value the connection between the school and the community in which we serveDemographics:
Pineville Elementary School is widely diverse. Our school is represented by more than 40 different countries as well as 9 different spoken languages!
Academic History:
In 2013-14, Pineville met growth in both reading and math. Our school met 83.8% of our target groups.
In 2014-15, Pineville exceeded growth with a 4.67 and met 69.2% of our target groups. The following groups did not meet the targeted AMO (Annual Measurable Objective): READING- Black, Hispanic, EDS, SWD, ELP; MATH- Hispanic, LEP, SWD.
In 2015-16, Pineville exceeded growth with a 4.64 and met all of our sub-groups. (White, Hispanic, African American, SWD, ELP, AIG, EDS)
In 2016-17, Pineville had the highest growth out of 110 elementary schools in the district! Pineville exceeded growth and met all of our sub-groups.
In 2018-2019, Pineville met expected growth and was recognized as a B school.
In 2021-2022, Pineville met expected growth.
In 2022-2023, Pineville exceeded growth. We were one of 66 schools in CMS to exceed growth and one of 40 schools to improve its letter grade.
In 2023-2024, Pineville exceeded growth. We were in the top 15% for growth in the state.
Extracurricular Activities:
Basketball: Kindergarten-5th Grade
Battle of the Books: 2nd-5th Grade
Greater Goals
Girls on the Run: 3rd and 4th Grade Girls
Let Me Run: 3rd Grade Boys
Limelight Theater K-3
Mad Science: Kindergarten-5th Grade
Math Olympiad: 4th-5th Grade Talent Development Students
National Elementary Honor Society: 4th and 5th Grade (Application Required)
Safety Patrol: 4th and 5th Grade Students (Application Required)
School Musical: 4th and 5th Grade Students (Audition Required)
Tennis: Kindergarten-5th Grade
WGRIN: Morning News Show-4th and 5th Grade