School Improvement Plan (SIP)
For access to the School Improvement Plan, use the Indistar login button and enter the information below.
Username: GuestS16748
Password: GuestS16748
School Improvement Team (SIT)
The School Improvement Team:
- Facilitates the development of the School Improvement Plan.
- Uses data as the driving force to create programmatic instructional change.
- Monitors, assesses, and amends the School Improvement Plan, as needed.
- Advances policies and procedures that enhance achievement and meet educational, safety and parent involvement goals.
- Facilitates communication within the Professional Learning Community.
- Builds the capacity of the school to address parent and staff concerns.
School Improvement Team Members
Committee Position Name Email Address Date Elected Principal Steve Drye 8/1/2024 Assistant Principal Isiah Williams 5/6/2024 Instructional Staff Christopher Fyfe 8/6/2024 Instructional Staff Kathryn Heinen 8/6/2024 Instructional Staff Stacy Feldstein 8/6/2024 Instructional Support Patricia Johnson 8/6/2024 Instructional Assistant Kim Stojkovich 5/9/2022 PTSO President / Designee Maria Papanikolaou 5/9/2022 Parent Amy Witmer 8/6/2024 Parent Angela Concha de Hernandez 5/9/2022 Parent Loree Riley 8/6/2024 Parent Nyasha Gopo 8/6/2024 Parent Steven Hyland 5/9/2022 Parent Laine Amortegui 8/6/2024 Parent Devonya Govan-Hunt 8/6/2024
Meeting Schedule
All SIT meetings are open to interested parents or community members. Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm on MS Teams.
Microsoft Teams:
Meeting ID: 294 944 822 856
Passcode: skJWxN
SIT Meeting Minutes - 10 October 2024 _rescheduled from 26 September
SIT Meeting Minutes - 10 October 2024 _rescheduled from 26 September - Hurricane Helene.pdf 176.94 KB (Last Modified on October 11, 2024)