South Pine Academy is nestled in the Steele Creek Community on Sandy Porter Rd. The name South Pine is in honor of the state tree and our location, on the south side of Charlotte.
- School hours - 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
- Arrival time - The front doors open at 7:30 am.
- Upon arrival, if students wish to eat breakfast, they should report to the cafeteria.
- Breakfast - ends @ 7:55 am.
- Tardy Bell - The first warning bell rings at 7:55 am.
- ALL students should be seated in class before 8:00 am or they will be marked tardy for the day.
- Early Dismissal - will end at 2:15 pm.
- Dismissal - by car, bus, and van begins at 3:00 pm.
- Car Dismissal - Please have your car tags displayed for pickup.(If you do not have a car tag, you will need to come into the office and get one and return to the car line to pick up your child.) Children are NOT dismissed from the front office during dismissal.
Principal – Robin Lyles-Khan
robin.lyles@cms.k12.nc.usSouth Pine Academy
2541 Sandy Porter Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28273
(Phone) 980-343-0765 (Fax) 980-343-0766