Title I Information

  • Sedgefield Middle School is a Title I school receiving federal funds.  Please see the required documentation for Title I schools below.  If you have any questions, you may contact our Title I Coordinator, Ms. Eldridge.

    School Improvement Team Members:

    1. Sheena Miracle


    1. Eric Tornfelt

    AP Representative

    1. Robin Beach

    Instructional Staff

    1. Ashaki Means

    Instructional Support Staff

    1. Heidi Inman

    Instructional Assistant

    1. Ann Miller-Mattocks

    PTA/PTO/PTSA President/Designee

    1. Lori Culicerto


    1. Julinne Guzik


    1. John Murchison


    1. Jaime Rentch


    1. Greg Skidmore


    1. Ginny Sloan


    1. Amy Tucker Brown


    1. Kelly Rodriguez

    EC Teacher

    1. Madeley Buitrago

    Spanish Teacher


    SIT Meeting Dates for 23-24 School Year

    The in-person meetings will take place in the media center from 2:45-4:00 and online meetings will be on Microsoft Teams from 3:45-5:00. 


    September 11- Media Center
    September 26 - Microsoft Teams (Please note this is a Tuesday)
    October 9 - Microsoft Teams
    November 13 - Microsoft Teams
    December 11 - Media Center
    January 8 - Microsoft Teams
    February 12 - Microsoft Teams
    March 11 - Media Center
    April 8 - Microsoft Teams 
    May 13 - Media Center
    June 3 - Media Center

  • important sign