• Emergency Contact - All students must complete the Emergency Locator Form. The purpose of this form is to enable school personnel to quickly locate a parent in case of an emergency.

    Medication – Medication will only be administered when accompanied by a completed Medication Authorization Form signed by both the parent/guardian and physician. A parent or guardian must also bring the medication to the school office in its original labeled container.

    Immunizations - Current immunization records are necessary for enrollment for students new to CMS or who have been outside the system for a period of time. Please bring a copy to the school and keep the original for your records. Immunization Requirements.pdf

    School Nurse - Our school nurse is Heather Meikle: heather1.Meikle@cms.k12.nc.us 

    Coordinated School Health Link

    Health Services Link


    The following Forms are available on the Right

    Immunization Requirements

    Medication Authorization Form

    Health Assessment Form

    Asthma Action Plan

    Diabetes Order and Care Plan

    Seizure Emergency Action Plan

    Severe Allergy Emergency Action Plan

    Generic Emergency Action Plan