Car Rider Information
Car rider dismissal will begin at 4:15 and end at 4:30. Any parent not picking their student up before 4:30 will need to come inside the school to get their student. Car riders will be assigned a number. Forms are available at school in the front office and should be returned to the front office. For specific questions, please call the office and ask for Jennifer Moore or email her at Forms can also be downloaded from the links below.
Car Pool Dismissal Procedures:
- If your child is a car rider please stay in your car and follow the carpool line until your child is released to pick-up at the colored stations (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue).
- As you enter the carpool line, please hang your car tag number on your rearview mirror so carpool staff can radio to staff inside for your child to come to their assigned colored station.
- Please proceed to the colored station that was assigned to your child – Do not get out of the car.
- Please follow the carpool line until you exit the school parking lot – Do not pass other cars or park to get your child once the carpool line is in progress or if it is after 3:30pm; this slows the car pool process. You will be required to show your ID to pick up your child in the front office after the school dismissal process is finished at 4:30.
- We urge you to continue to send in the forms with completed information so we can assign your carpool numbers as quickly as possible. Thanks for your cooperation.
Procedimiento de Recogida para la Línea de Autos:
- Si su niño va ser recogido en auto, por favor manténgase en su auto y siga la línea de recogida hasta que su niño llegue a la estación de recogida por color ( Rojo, Anaranjado, Amarillo, Verde, Azul).
- Al entrar en la línea de recogida, por favor cuelgue la tarjeta numerada en el espejo retrovisor de su auto para que el personal pueda comunicarse por radio para pedir que su niño salga a la estación de recogida por color.
- Por favor avance hasta llegar a la estación por color que se le asignó a su niño. – No se baje del auto.
- Por favor siga en la línea de carros hasta salir del estacionamiento escolar - No pase a otros carros o estacione ya estando avanzando la línea o si es después de las 3:30 pm; esto retrasa el proceso. Se le pedirá que muestre identificación para recoger a su niño en la oficina después que el proceso de despedida escolar haya terminado.
- Les instamos a que sigan mandando los formularios con la información completa para que podamos asignar los números lo más pronto posible. Gracias por su cooperación.
For bus information please see the CMS transportation page HERE or contact the front office and ask for Margarita Carrasco or Jennifer Moore.