Meet the Principal

Phone: 980-343-5835


Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Sharone Harris

Dear Selwyn Elementary School families,

Selwyn Elementary School shares its South Park campus with Alexander Graham Middle School and Myers Park High School. Our 212-acre campus was established in 1959. Since then, our school has expanded and transformed to meet the needs of our growing community.  

Traditions have always been a hallmark at our school. Selwyn students participate in programs such as Selwyn Celebrates the Arts, the fifth-grade school play, grade-level field trips sponsored by our devoted and active PTA, and Nature Trails and Tales. Selwyn also has monthly character-education assemblies in which different grade levels perform skits to highlight a specific character trait and individual students are recognized for displaying the trait. This has been a wonderful way to bring our community together and reinforce our shared values.

Selwyn has recently adopted the B3-Brain, Body, Behavior philosophy, which incorporates movement in the classroom throughout the day.  We have also added pathways in the hall and a Sensory Lab to provide our students with the support they need. In addition, Selwyn has successfully launched the Extensions Program for our three classrooms with students who have an array of developmental needs. The Visually Impaired (VI) program recently transferred to Selwyn.  These students are placed in general education classrooms and receive specialized services from our VI team. All of these new initiatives illustrate how our school embraces the importance of meeting the needs of the whole child and our school community.

Selwyn's outstanding instructional program includes a committed staff, enthusiastic parent involvement, a climate conducive to learning, and the expectation of success for all of our students. Each year, Selwyn leads our students through the Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship curriculum to help our students think critically and use technology responsibly so that they remain safe, responsible, and respectful online.

Let me tell you a little about myself.  I have been in education for 23 years. I have a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and an administrative certification from Winthrop University. I also have a master’s degree in early childhood education from Francis Marion University and a doctorate in educational leadership from the University of North Carolina Charlotte.

Prior to being appointed principal at Selwyn, I served 14 years as an assistant principal at Selwyn, Rama Road, and Idlewild elementary schools. I was also a classroom teacher for eight years at Idlewild and Dewey Carter elementary schools.

I look forward to working with you and your students. Thank you for choosing Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and Selwyn Elementary.

Dr. Sharone Harris, Principal