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School Announcements

  • Too sick for school? (Click Here)

    It's common for kids to get sick occasionally, but parents often wonder when it's best to keep them home. CMS School Health has put together an infographic called "Too Sick for School" that offers helpful guidelines for parents to decide when their child should stay home. These guidelines aim to stop the spread of contagious illnesses. When a student is unwell, they can't learn properly or engage in class activities. We urge families to take the right actions to ensure that if a student is sick, they should stay home to protect their classmates from getting ill.

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  • ¿Demasiado enfermo para ir a la escuela? (Haga clic aquí)

    Es común que los niños se enfermen de vez en cuando, pero los padres a menudo se preguntan cuándo es mejor mantenerlos en casa. CMS School Health ha elaborado una infografía llamada "Demasiado enfermo para la escuela" que ofrece pautas útiles para que los padres decidan cuándo su hijo debe quedarse en casa. Estas directrices tienen como objetivo detener la propagación de enfermedades contagiosas. Cuando un estudiante no se encuentra bien, no puede aprender correctamente ni participar en las actividades de la clase. Instamos a las familias a tomar las medidas correctas para garantizar que si un estudiante está enfermo, se quede en casa para proteger a sus compañeros de clase de enfermarse.

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  •  TSI Information Letter

    TSI Information Letters

    (Click to view).

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Excellence without Exception

  • Read about the great things happening across our district!

  • Academic Excellence

    At the heart of our pursuit of excellence is academic achievement. Learn how we’re delivering a student-first environment.

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  • Operational Excellence

    These stories highlight our commitment to the efficient and effective management of resources and processes.

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  • People Excellence

    We are proud to spotlight our strong teams and the ways in which we’re building a culture committed to student success, continuous improvement, and collaboration.

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  • Engagement Excellence

    These stories highlight our strong, trusting, and collaborative relationships with our community partners.

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