Our school nurse is Amy Lattimore, BSN, RN
Emergency Contact
All students must have a completed Student Emergency Contact & Information Form that will be filed in the Main Office. The purpose of this information is to enable school personnel to quickly locate a parent in case of an emergency.
Health Assessment Form
Parents/guardians must submit proof of a health assessment for each child who is presented for admission into N.C. public schools for the first time, including every new kindergartner. The health assessment must have been completed within 12 months prior to the date the child would have first been eligible for initial entry into the public schools.
Current immunization records are necessary for enrollment for those students new to CMS or who have been outside the system for a period of time. Please bring a copy to the school and keep the original for your records.
Medication will only be administered when accompanied by a complete Medication Authorization Form signed by both the parent/guardian AND physician. A parent or guardian must also bring the medication to the school office in its original labeled container. A new form is required for each school year.
Health-Related Forms & Documents
Seizures: Emergency Action Plan
CI 21 Seizure EAP and Medication Order 10.2022 Revision.pdf 485.68 KB (Last Modified on October 24, 2022)