School Improvement Plan

  • School improvement planning provides a mechanism for identifying needs and establishing a common approach to meeting those needs at the school level. Visit the district website to learn more about CMS School Improvement Plans.

    TSI-CU: North Carolina's Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan identifies schools for targeted support and improvement when schools have student subgroup(s) that are consistently underperforming. Schools with one or more subgroups receiving an 'F' letter grade in the accountability system for the most recent and previous two years are identified as Targeted Support and Improvement-Consistently Underperforming (TSI-CU). Identified annually, TSI-CU schools exit this identification if the identified subgroup(s) receives at least the grade of ‘D’ for the most recent and previous year’s score. 
    North Carolina's Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan identifies two sets of schools for comprehensive support and improvement, which occurs every three years. Tier Levels were added in the 2022-23 school year to identify schools that were unable to exit. Tier 1 refers to all schools newly identified in the fall of 2022–23. Tier 2 refers to all schools which were previously identified in 2018–19 and reidentified in the fall of 2022–23. 1) CSI Low-Performing (CSI-LP) schools are those schools whose School Performance Grades are in the bottom five percent of all Title I Served schools. 
    CSI Low Graduation Rate (CSI-LG) schools are any schools with a four-year cohort graduation rate lower than 66.7% regardless of Title I status. For the 2022–23 identification, using 2021–22 data, 20 new schools were identified (Tier 1) and 19 schools were reidentified (unable to exit, Tier 2). CSI-LG schools are eligible to be identified as CSI-LP schools. Schools with a CSI identification receive state-level support from the Office of Federal Programs. Schools on the 2022–23 CSI identified schools list are eligible to exit after 4 years, if they meet the required exit criteria.

School Improvement Plan Documents

School Improvement Team

  • Members of the School Improvement Team (SIT) are directly involved in the development and monitoring of the School Improvement Plan, and as appropriate, some of the day-to-day operations of the school.

    • Facilitates the development of the School Improvement Plan.
    • Uses data as the driving force to create programmatic instructional change.
    • Monitors, assess, and amend the School Improvement Plan as needed.
    • Advances policies and procedures that enhance achievement and meet educational, safety, and parent involvement goals.
    • Facilitates communication within the Professional Learning Community.
    • Builds the capacity of the school to address parent and staff concerns.

    Our School Improvement Team meets on the last Monday of each month in-person at the 1000 Building Tech Hub from 2:30 until 3:30 PM.



  • NCStar is a web-based tool that guides a district or School Improvement Team in charting its improvement and managing the continuous improvement process. Visit the district website to learn more.

    Access will allow stakeholders to review the School Improvement Plan, School Improvement Team members (with date of election), Agendas, and Meeting Minutes.

  • indistar logo login

Indistar Login

  • Username: guests7081
    Password: guests7081

Meeting Access

  • Our School Improvement Team meets on the last Monday of each month in-person at the 1000 Building Tech Hub from 2:30 until 3:30 PM.