• UMES Theory of Action 24-27


    We will achieve our vision where all students are empowered to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, ensuring their success in a diverse and ever-changing world if we:


    Implement programs and curricula that support academic excellence, social skills, and emotional well-being;

    Create an inclusive environment that values diversity and promotes equity for all students;

     Employ engagement and differentiated instructional strategies to meet the diverse needs of all learners;

     Integrate SEL into the curriculum to build skills such as self-awareness, intrinsic motivation, empathy, and relationship management;

     Incorporate global and cultural perspectives into the curriculum and school activities;

     Foster strong partnerships with families, community organizations, and other stakeholders; and

    Regularly reflect on and assess academic attainment and school practices, using data and feedback to drive continuous improvement.


    Students will develop into well-rounded individuals capable of thriving in various aspects of life;

    Students will begin to take ownership of their education and future;

    Students will feel respected and valued, leading to improved engagement and achievement;

    All students will receive personalized support, maximizing their potential for academic success.

    Students will develop the social and emotional competencies necessary for personal and interpersonal success;

    Students will become culturally competent and prepared to navigate and contribute to a diverse world;

     A supportive network will enhance student learning and well-being, creating a thriving school community; and

    Our school will remain adaptive and responsive to the needs of its students and community.