• Talent Development 


    We are talent scouts! 


    We view our students through the lens of potential and are always looking for our talented youth. We recognize and certify Gifted students who warrant enrichment.

    Our Talent Development program provides rigorous, real world connected opportunities for students Kindergarten through Fifth grade, regardless of AIG certification label.



    Talent Development


    Some highlights of our literacy TD programming includes:

    • Research based units from The College of William and Mary
    • Vanderbilt University
    • Novel studies
    • Jacob’s Ladders
    • Navigator non-fiction studies

    Book Tasting 3rd Grade

    Some highlights of our math TD programming includes:

    • M2 and M3 Units
    • Challenge math
    • Math Olympiads
    • Hands on Equations and Hands on Equations Fractions

    Kinder Math

    Other accolades included within our building:

    • Paideia Seminars
    • Thinking Maps certified trainers
    • AIG licensed teachers



    K-2 Nurturing Potential

    Yet U - Kindergarten

    Kindergarten through second grade students receive intentional programming designed to build and strengthen critical thinking skills. 

    Our youngest of learners participate in Lollipop Logic lessons, skill designed curriculum focusing  on:

    • Sequences
    • Relationships Analogies
    • Deduction
    • Pattern decoding
    • Inference
    • Critical analysis

    Yet U - 2nd Grade

    In addition, all first and second grade students are provided access to advanced thinking opportunities in weekly Primary Education Thinking Skills lessons through our YET U and YET U2: The Graduate Series programs. Students engage in creative and critical thinking, learn and use advanced language in conversation and writing, grapple through problem solving, explore through inquiry and analytical tasks, and consider multiple perspectives.

    Yet U


    YET U:Recruits (our Kindergarten program) also provides these opportunities to your youngest learners based on their thinking skills potential regardless of reading capabilities.


    Yet U