Total Number of Schools



    Number of Schools in Charlotte-Mecklenburg 2024-25


    Elementary Schools and K-6 Montessori Schools for 2024-25 

    103 Schools

    Including one new school: Knights View


    Middle Schools and K-8 Schools for 2024-25

    44 Schools


    High Schools and Special High School Programs for 2024-25

    35 Schools

    Including one new school: Ballantyne Ridge


    Special Programs/Schools

    4 Special Program sites:

    Metro School; Charlotte-Mecklenburg Academy; Turning Point Academy

    and Turning Point Middle School


    Total number of schools – 186*


    *Schools with multiple levels are counted at their highest grade level. For example, Northwest School of the Arts is counted in the high school category, although it includes grades 6-12. It is not included in the middle school total count.


    Note: Due to clarifying school categories from previous years, 2024–25 counts will differ by category from 2023-24, while the total number of schools only changed with the opening and closing of schools.